F-Gas Air Conditioning Training

Catalogue index: SZK000022

  • In stock ( 35 pc )
  • Delivery time: 1 day
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 35
  • Catalogue index:
    • SZK000022



The training will focus primarily on the construction of automotive air conditioning and the basic principles of operating air conditioning systems. Participants will also learn about the most important legal acts regarding fluorinated gases, in order to be able to work with them safely and legally.

The training will also cover the ways of keeping documentation in line with the requirements of the "F-gas" law, so that participants will be prepared to properly document their actions. The entire training will be focused on practical aspects of working with automotive air conditioning, so that participants can gain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties effectively and safely.

Do you have any questions? Write us a at szkolenia@anwa-tech.pl


Other warehouse availability:
  • 35
Catalogue index:
  • SZK000022

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