Training: Service and repair of passenger tires + TPMS

Catalogue index: SZK000014

  • In stock ( 21 usługa )
  • Delivery time: 1 day
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 22
  • Catalogue index:
    • SZK000014
  • Producer: Anwa-Tech


Training: Service and repair of passenger tires + TPMS

We learn the correct wheel handling processes and eliminate bad habits. You will also learn how to handle reverse-mounted rims equipped with TPMS sensors, repair self-sealing tire systems, as well as tires with noise reduction. There will also be information on tires for electric cars.

We provide training not only in the entire European Union but also beyond. We have conducted training sessions in Lithuania, Germany, and Bosnia, among others.

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Other warehouse availability:
  • 22
Catalogue index:
  • SZK000014

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