Training in emergency repair of agricultural tires

Catalogue index: SZK000024

  • In stock ( 30 pc )
  • Delivery time: 1 day
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 270
  • Catalogue index:
    • SZK000024


Training in emergency repair of agricultural tires

The training includes discussing the construction of tires and techniques for mounting and dismounting agricultural tires on a tire changer, including agricultural wheels and ring wheels. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the principles of manual installation and cold tire repair technology.

The training will also cover tube repair techniques, including patching methods and changing valve assemblies. In addition, participants will be trained in emergency and preventive repairs, including using cords and sealants that can be poured into tires for quick intervention in case of a breakdown.

The training aims to familiarize participants with the practical aspects of tire maintenance and repair so that they can independently deal with basic problems that may arise during the use of agricultural vehicles.

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Other warehouse availability:
  • 270
Catalogue index:
  • SZK000024

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