Training course: service and repair of passenger tires + TPMS online

Catalogue index: SZK000026

  • In stock ( 25 pc )
  • Delivery time: 1 day
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 25
  • Catalogue index:
    • SZK000026


Training course: service and repair of passenger tires + TPMS online

Training conducted just outside of Warsaw, near the main headquarters of Anwa-Tech. The group size is limited to a maximum of 5 people. Our training is led by Piotr Konarski-Stanaszek, who loves his work and sharing knowledge with others. If this is your first training with Anwa-Tech, we are confident that you will book another one.

That's how it works with us. In addition to a large number of practical exercises and specific knowledge, you will also receive a certificate of completion of the training, as well as a complete set of training materials that you will use in your future work. In addition to the standard wheel service processes, you will also learn about servicing rims with reverse mounting, equipped with TPMS sensors, tire repair with various self-sealing systems, and tires with soundproofing solutions used in electric vehicles, for example.

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Other warehouse availability:
  • 25
Catalogue index:
  • SZK000026

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