Vulcanizing raw material per side 1kg BRE

Catalogue index: RA-0311

  • In stock ( 7 pc )
  • Delivery time: 1 day
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 7
  • Catalogue index:
    • RA-0311
  • EAN code:
    • 5900000017457
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 1
  • Package height [cm]:
    • 10
  • Producer:


Vulcanizing raw material per side 1kg BRE

Raw material for the vulcanization of tire sidewall damage using the "hot" method.

Product features:

  • raw material thickness: 2 mm,
  • raw material width: 350 mm,
  • weight: 1 kg,
  • vulcanization time: 3 - 4 min / 1 mm at 150°C.

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Other warehouse availability:
  • 7
Package depth [cm]:
  • 10
Catalogue index:
  • RA-0311
EAN code:
  • 5900000017457
Package width [cm]:
  • 40
Package weight [kg]:
  • 1
Package height [cm]:
  • 10

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