Universal rubber material in a 12 kg cord

Catalogue index: S-60741-67

  • In stock ( 1 pc )
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 1
  • Catalogue index:
    • S-60741-67
  • EAN code:
    • 3285410021679
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 12
  • Producer: Schrader


Universal rubber material in a 12 kg cord

Rubber raw material in the extruder cord designed to fill the damage funnels of all types of tires during hot repair. The raw material is dedicated to the repair of all types of tires in each zone.

Product features:

  • cord 8mm 12kg,
  • vulcanization temperature 100°C - 160°C.


Other warehouse availability:
  • 1
Catalogue index:
  • S-60741-67
EAN code:
  • 3285410021679
Package weight [kg]:
  • 12

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