Tire grease 4kg Michelin Tigre

Catalogue index: S-R5084-0

  • In stock ( 26 pc )
  • Delivery time: 1 day
  • Other warehouse availability:
    • 29
  • Catalogue index:
    • S-R5084-0
  • EAN code:
    • 5900000000404
  • Package weight [kg]:
    • 4
  • Producer:


Michelin Tigre tire grease - 4 kg bucket

Michelin Tigre tire grease designed for assembly and disassembly of large-size OTR/EM and truck tires. It is chemically neutral to both rubber and metal.

Product features:

  • Max. storage temperature: 50°C
  • Min. storage temperature: -18°C
  • Weight: 4 kg
  • Conformity, Standards, etc.: Reach
  • Fluid status: Solid
  • Recommended storage conditions : Protected From Rain And Humidity, Out Of Direct Sunlight
  • Use (Vehicle): Truck, Agricultural Vehicle, OTR Loader
  • Intended product usage: Fitting/Removal of OTR Tires And Handling

! Do not use this product on touring and motorcycle tires !

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Other warehouse availability:
  • 29
Catalogue index:
  • S-R5084-0
EAN code:
  • 5900000000404
Package weight [kg]:
  • 4

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